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Mama Clothing

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Sz Large(12-14) Cashmere RED ❤️Wool v-neck Sweater Kirkland - Retail $100 plus

$25.00 | + $6.85 shipping
Very good used condition

Sz Large(12-14) Ladies Cashmere RED ❤️Wool v-neck Sweater
Kirkland - Retail $100 plus

Dry cleaned and ready for wear!❤️

Black Smartwool tights are listed separately but look great underneath the sweater kind of like leggings either or itchy but soft and comfortable to wear all day!!! 🥰

Sz Large(12-14) Cashmere Wool v-neck Sweater
Kirkland - Retail $100 plus


Soft Comfort Red natural color V-neck cashmere sweater

Ready to wear!
Minimal ww and no fade noted

Great price and great quality you will not be disappointed!!!

#Cashmere #Wall #Sweater #WOOL #Fall #Spring #SpringBreak #FallBreak #WinterBreak #Winter#Rodeo #fair #camping
#Holiday #Vacation #SpecialEvent #GirlsNightOut #DateNight #Lounge #Skiing #Business #Casual #OfficeWear
#Valentine #StPatricksDay #ValentinesDay
#Irish #Lucky #Red #Neutral #Minimalist #Natural #ComfortColor #Solid
#Collegiate #College #Ladies #Mama #Tween

🐑 🐑🥰🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑❤️🐑🐑🐑🐑🥰
Wool vs Cashmere: 8 Differences Between Wool and Cashmere

It's all in the source. Fine fabrics usually come from unique sources especially if they are made from natural materials. For example, real silk is taken from the silkworm while wool can come from a variety of animals. Each hair on those animals produces different texture and fineness of wool materials.

Most regular wool products come from sheep, llamas, and similar animals. The outer hair is taken off and made into the many different wool items you enjoy and wear. Cashmere is taken from the fine under hair of the actual cashmere goat.

To learn more differences between these two fabrics, just continue to read our article. While wool and cashmere are technically the same, there are differences between the two that make one a better product than the other.

Wool vs Cashmere 101
The Difference Between Wool And Cashmere
Comparison Between Wool And Cashmere
Is Wool or Cashmere Warmer?
Merino Wool vs Cashmere Warmth
How To Tell The Difference Between Wool And Cashmere
Difference Between Merino Wool And Cashmere
Wool vs Cashmere Sweater
Wool vs Cashmere Gloves
Wool vs Cashmere Socks
Is Wool or Cashmere Better?
Some Final Words

The Difference Between Wool And Cashmere
If you are like the majority of non-fashion people in the world today, you would not know any differences between the two fabrics. Even though they are both technically under the wool category, they are similar but not the same.
Here is a quick comparison chart to show you the differences between these two fashion fabrics:
Wool Cashmere
1. Comes from the outer hair of sheep Comes from fine underneath hair from cashmere goats
2. Can be very warm 8 times warmer than regular wool
3. May be lightweight Lighter in weight than regular wool
4. 100% wool labels means it comes from sheep Has to say cashmere to be cashmere wool
5. Fibers are coarser than cashmere Fibers are very fine
6. May not pill that much Will pill more than regular wool
7. This is more durable than cashmere Its fine fibers do not make it very durable
8. Expensive but not as expensive as cashmere Very expensive and hard on the clothing budge

While both fabrics are very good materials to wear, you can call cashmere the Cadillac of wools as it is a cut above many of the many different kinds of wool fabrics available today.



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